John Ahlroos john

Hi, I'm John Ahlroos 👋

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💬 About me

I am John Ahlroos, a software engineer with a long history in building web applications and working with Open Source communities.

I love coding and hacking away on projects, and over time I have also enjoyed leading teams and mentored younger developers. At heart though, I am a coder, through and through.

I come from as far north as Finland; you know where the northern lights shine, and the reindeer run wild on the streets... Don't you?
We Finnish developers are a humble bunch, we rarely brag about our abilities but are known for writing excellent and readable code that just works. We are hard workers and always speak up and take the lead when we see there is something that needs to be improved.

In 2021 I made a big move and moved to the South coast of Spain, more specifically Marbella, and started working on a trading platform for Skilling. I am still on that route today. 🌴

🛠 Tech Stack

I have worked with many tech-stacks over the years and have tried to gather as much information about them here. For clarity though the most esoteric and historical stacks I have had the pleasure of working with are not listed as I cannot in good conscious recommend them to anyone.


Java Apache Groovy Javascript Python C Sharp HTML5 CSS3

Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries


Spring Framework Spring Boot Spring Reactive Micronaut Ratpack RabbitMQ Vaadin Google Web Toolkit Lombok Hibernate Quartz

Java Testing

Junit Cucumber Spock TestContainers


Express.js React.js Angular.js

C# / .Net



Flask TensorFlow Pandas

IDE + Plugin ecosystem

Eclipse IDEA Intellij Microsoft VS Code

Security + Authentication


Infrastructure + CI/CD

Apache Maven Apache Ant Gradle Drone CI Jenkins TeamCity GoCD Rancher Travis Docker Docker Compose Hashicorp Terraform

API Integrations Snipcart Slack Github Keycloak Twitter IMAP/POP Hasura

Amazon Web Services

AWS Lambda AWS S3 AWS Batch AWS API Gateway AWS Cloud Watch AWS Cognito AWS EC2 AWS ECS AWS ElastiCache AWS Elasticsearch AWS RDS AWS SQS AWS SNS


PostgreSQL MySQL DynamoDB Presto

Version Control + Services

Git Subversion CVS Github Gerrit Bitbucket Gitlab

Design & Architecture tools

Figma Lucid Charts